Sunday, June 1, 2008

Nothing Yet

Hello Everyone,
Yes I know the big question.... Has she come yet? No is the answer. We went in this morning which is Sunday for the doctors to try an induce. We spent almost the entire day, eating hospital food, and watching tv and still nothing. Our baby is in place but just still not the right time. She will come... and it will be at just the right time and it will all be perfect. My nerves have actually calmed down today, I was really excited but not sure what to say to her when and if she came out and seen her parents for the first time. I guess now I might be able to quote an Alabama country song " God must have spent a little more time on you". Don't bother correcting me if I am wrong, I don't care.
We will keep you updated with the blog and phone calls when she finally comes. Until then just hang tight with patients. That's what we are having to do. Have a great week and thankyou for your continual prays and comments. We love to hear from all of you :)
- the johnsons


Betty said...

Just goes to show whose in control, Laurel of course!!! ;)

We are in continual prayer for you all.

Love, Mom Nyberg

ses said...

I love your mom's comment, Linnea!

I can't imagine how excited/anxious/ready that you two must be. You have a great attitude about it. And Linnea, I hope that you can hang on there for a few more minutes/hours/days in the discomfort that you are feeling. I can't wait to meet Laurel and know that she has to be real stinkin' cute. Love you both.