Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Come out come out where ever you are!!!

Hello every one,

Still no signs of our little girl. Although today Linnea's doctor did another ultra sound because she was concerned with how big our daughter was getting. According to the ultra sound she was 9lbs. 10 oz. But the lady said that was more that likely incorrect and our child is probably middle to upper 8's. Either way nothing yet. Everything looks good and we even got a couple pictures of our daughter. Here she is. I love the one on the left, it's as if she's trying to say leave me alone I am sleeping.
Keeping checking for updates
-the johnsons

Monday, May 26, 2008

Up from the Grave she Arose

Hello every one,
Well if you are like our family in which we consider you all family you are curious to know if something has happened yet. The answer, sadly is no. Nothing yet. The doctor said that all is going well, but still not yet. At the latest, the doctor will induce June 6th. So at least we have an end date. We will try to put up the latest post soon after out little child comes. As for my wife, well its getting harder and harder to get her out of bed in the mornings. It's like trying to raise the dead, almost impossible and who can blame her. When you have a belly that large and its the last couple days, or perhaps hours I wouldn't want to move either.
Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day keep checking for updates!

-the johnsons

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Looks like she dropping!!

Hello every one,
The doctor informed us this week that the baby has dropped over the last week. I personally haven't noticed a difference but when I felt linnea's belly this morning there wasn't much up top, our little girl is all down at the bottom, hopefully soon. Not much to report. Linnea is now down to working just one job, which is at the church. I do have to say my wifes savage meter is very very high after working almost 60-70 hrs a week through 85% of the pregnancy. Nice job muffin I'm very proud of you.. As for Eli and myself, we are just waiting for that big day to come. We are trying a small video this morning. Many a people keep asking about Linnea and her belly, sure would be nice if someone asked how the husband was doing :( Hope you all enjoy. The due date is between 22nd and the 31st, will she be late, or will she be early??? And what the heck gender will our child be? Yes we are just as eager as you are.
Have a great week
- the johnsons

Monday, May 5, 2008

You just can't go wrong

Hello every one,

Hey a quick question for all of you? Have you ever stopped to think about the things that make you happy? It's really is amazing the simple things in life and how they can bring such great joy to individuals. For example, the hamburger. Now I have cooked these suckers on the grill for years. I've tried a variety of methods, none really ever worked out better than others. But the simple fact remains that when I smell a grill warming up and see the smoke hanging still in the air, simliar to how the fog lingers over a lake on a cool summer morning, a tear comes to my eye. And when I smell that beef char when in first makes contact with the hot flam and the fragrance of beef is released into the air like a women sweet sweet perfume, my knees get weak. And then after the smell has gone through my nazal passages and fired all of my sensory nerves and caused me to scream uncontrolably. I can only think one thing... BEEF it's whats for dinner!!

I'm I the only crazy out there like this!!! Have a great week.

-the johnsons

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ready or Not, here (he or she) comes ???

Hello everyone,

I know what you are thinking, what does that title even mean. This week Linnea had her doctors appointment. Upon finding the heart beat the doctors told Linnea that is sounds like a healthy little BOY!.. Linnea said, " We were told that we're having a girl." The doctor said that the women who had performed our ultrasound has never been wrong, but what if? So the entire week we have been wondering, is our child a boy or girl, princess or pirate ( ladies not to say that women can't be pirates but... you know what I mean just let it go). Either way we will be happy, even though we have alot of girl clothing I am confident I can modify all that pink into black with some spray paint.

Last night we headed out with a couple that had their first child in December, little Harrison. They gave us some tips on the flow of the baby room and this morning we were trying to impliment all of them. Starting with the diapers and there location. We have placed them right above the changing station. In addition we are continuing to read more and more directions. Like the breast pumps. Who could have thought it was that complicated to assemble a pump. It can't be that hard I told linnea. You just place it up to yourself like this and start pumping.
Looking back, if the two of us would have known about all the literature that needed to be read before you even have a child, we would not be in the position that we are in. All you singles out there, think long and hard.... do you really what to do this?
Thats all for know. We will keep you updated and keep those comments coming our way
Have a great week
- the johnsons