Hello Everyone,
The Johnson family is still alive and well. The dashboard on our blog indicates that our last update was September 28Th, not that long ago eh? Life has been wonderful for us. With the Christmas upon us and a New Year just around the corner our lives have been go go go lately.
This fall I took on a new position at the High School/Jr. High school at West Iron. The position is titled At Risk. In a nut shell I deal with behavioral students and tutor. Never would I have thought that while giving my Social Studies hell in 7Th grade that I would be the one helping these students later on in life. I love every minute of it and the work in my opinion is rewarding. As for Linnea she says fairly busy with subbing in the elementary building and high school. Morning sleep is often disturbed, not with a phone call that says school is canceled due to snow but instead you need to sub. Our jobs keep us busy as well as our child.
Laurel is almost 19 months old. With sharp little beaver teeth in her mouth you don't want to mess with this child, she is her father's daughter. Chewing through the sheets,running, screaming for more popcorn, constantly on the go climbing, touching everything in sight and in general pushing mom and dad's patients it is a endless circus at our house, some of you can relate.
The winter weather has taken effect in the home town, last week bone chilling temps and now today, Sunday, bright sunny skies with 32 degrees. You just never know what to expect.
Well that is enough update, everyone just wants to see pictures.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Love the Jonson's'
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