Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Snow day

Well Hello Everyone,

Several inches of snow have fallen in the last couple days here. To bad that just under a week ago we were able to walk Laurel in her stroller with just our sandals and t-shirts. I mean I had even started to work on my farmers tan while out working with duff.
Laurel is doing really well. She is pulling everything we have off the shelves always in the laundry basket and she now has two little white teeth on the bottom. They grow up so fast. Linnea and I are staying busy with work and house projects. Soon we will be sending you some pictures of the new summer construction that will take place.
Ok enough, here are the pictures that you orginally got on for

1 comment:

FLEA said...

Dear Miss Linnea,
We will miss you when we move to Colorado. Tell Eli I said hello. How is Eli? Thank you.

(From Lynn): That is exactly what she wanted me to type :) She LOVES the newest pictures of Laurel and was surprised at how big she's getting. Laurel is such a beauty, you must be having so much fun!! Elisabeth is thrilled that she got to see her buddy Gwen a few weeks back (see my blog for pics and an update :)) We're moving to CO at the end of the month. If you ever make it out west, please let us know! :) Hope all's well.